Tasha Jackson Named HELP USA Chief Financial Officer

Tasha Jackson head shot small

 Jackson returns to homeless services sector bringing extensive nonprofit knowledge and financial leadership experience.

NEW YORK, NY—(March 21, 2024) HELP USA, the national homeless services provider, announced today that Tasha Jackson has been appointed as its Chief Financial Officer, effective March 18, 2024. Ms. Jackson comes to HELP USA with more than 20 years of financial, accounting, and nonprofit experience.

“I am pleased to welcome Tasha to the HELP USA executive management team,” said Dan Lehman, President and CEO of HELP USA. Tasha’s combination of skills, experience, and dedication will be invaluable to us as we guide the agency forward during this period of operational expansion. We are lucky to have her.”

“The opportunity to return to the homeless services field is the exact right next step for me,” said Jackson. “HELP USA is a leader in this industry, and I am honored to join this team to assist them in the fight to end homelessness.”

Ms. Jackson will lead HELP USA’s finance and accounting divisions, reporting directly to Mr. Lehman. She joins the agency from STRIVE, a nonprofit organization focused on fighting poverty through employment, where she served as Chief Financial and Administrative Officer. Before that, Jackson was VP of Finance and Accounting at Urban Resource Institute, an NYC-based homeless services organization. She previously served as the CFO at Girl Scouts of Connecticut for ten years.

She holds a B.S. in Finance & Insurance from the University of Hartford and an M.B.A from Post University. She was a 100 Women of Color Honoree in 2017.



HELP USA is a pioneering national nonprofit homeless service provider and low-income housing developer. Every day, the more than 1,500 dedicated employees address the root cause of homelessness at 45 residences and through more than 60 prevention and support programs. HELP USA is dedicated to ensuring everyone has a place to call home by providing shelter for people in crisis, support to keep people securely housed, and building quality, affordable homes to strengthen vulnerable communities. Since its founding in the heart of Brooklyn, NY, in 1986, HELP USA has served more than 500,000 people. For more information, visit www.helpusa.org.

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