Data Brief: HELP USA exceeds 2023 Housing Placement Target of Chronically Homeless Clients by 33% as Average Client Durations in Shelters Declined by 17%

This brief highlights 5 trends in housing placements that occurred from HELP USAs shelters in 2022 and 2023.

First, single adult and family transitional housing sites placed the same number of clients – 1212 – in permanent housing sites in 2022 and 2023, respectively.

Second, excluding two shelters that closed in 2022, the number of housing placements from sites under the jurisdiction of NYCs Department of Homeless Services (DHS) exceeded the DHS target of 864 placements by 6.6% in 2022 (923 placements) and 3.6% (898 placements) in 2023.

Third, excluding these closed sites; assessment sites, which assign clients to another shelter within three weeks; and sanctuary sites, which provide services to the asylum-seeking population, placements from DHS sites increased by 7% from 2022 to 2023.

Fourth, the number of chronically homeless clients in HELP’s single adult DHS shelters , excluding the closed and assessment sites, and family DHS sites that found housing in 2022 – 245 clients – and in 2023 – 221 clients – exceeded the DHS target of 184 for these years by 33% and 20%, respectively.

Fifth, the brief discusses the 17% decline in the average length of stay of our clients in DHS sites from 419.24 days, in February 2022, to 329.81 days, in December 2023, in the context of the concerted focus of frontline shelter staff on placing chronically homeless clients into housing.

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