HELP USA works to ensure that everyone has a place to call home.
We provide shelter to meet people’s immediate needs, as well as support to succeed as individuals, as families, and as communities. We envision a world where safe and stable housing is a starting point for everyone, because housing is the foundation upon which people can build better lives.
HELP USA was founded in 1986 to address the nation’s growing homelessness crisis.
From our beginning as a shelter for families in Brooklyn, we’ve expanded to become a leader in the fight against homelessness. Today, we serve people of all backgrounds, including families, individuals, veterans, survivors of domestic violence, people with health challenges and disabilities, and seniors. We have helped over 500,000 people facing homelessness and poverty to build better lives.
However, our communities are still in need.
Far too many people in the United States need a place to sleep at night.
...experience homelessness each day.
Learn more about how HELP USA works to ensure that everyone has a place to call home.
If you are driven to make a difference and find that our values align with yours, please get in touch—we are always seeking like-minded people to join our team!
(*) Denotes member of HELP USA Fund Inc. Board of Directors, a 501c3 affiliate of HELP USA established to solicit and distribute privately raised funds to HELP USA-affiliated entities in support of the mission to end homelessness. Additional members of HELP USA Fund Board of Directors include Maria Cuomo Cole, Rick Ostroff, Ponchitta Pierce, and Khaliah Ali.