This brief on countries of origin, employment status and asylum application rates of our migrant clients is part of an ongoing effort, as detailed in previous reports, to understand the needs and […]
In this brief, HELP Research analyzed the housing voucher process among the long-term stayer (LTS) population at HELP USA to identify and resolve bottlenecks in the service delivery system that prevent […]
This brief highlights 5 trends in housing placements that occurred from HELP USAs shelters in 2022 and 2023. First, single adult and family transitional housing sites placed the same number of clients […]
This Spring, HELP USA family and single adult shelters began implementing a pilot wellness check program. Social workers use a risk assessment tool, designed by HELP Research, to identify risks […]
This impact evaluation study found that our intervention for young parents at-risk of homelessness – implemented within the homelessness prevention service, Homebase – reduced shelter entry rates of this population. The program, […]